Archives: 2014
hello 2015
Just around the corner...
The thing with this lifetime is that there are so may things to do; both needed and wanted. Step by step, projects get moved forward. Like my recently revived books, so will this site get a much needed makeover. I am now in the process of creating my first responsive web design, and Bright Pink Smile is my test site. When this process is over, this blog will be refreshed.
Meanwhile, I am temporarily disconnecting the archives for the sake of keeping my sanity during the reorganization process. Expect this site to be in new form by late January. My painting site will be updated with new paintings by late February.
posted December 22, 2014
flip that page
Another summer fading fast
This one is slipping by in both the zoom of projects being checked off and the not-so-hot heat being seasonable. That is, thirty years ago seasonable. When summers drag on well past their due date is when the temperatures spike to ever new records and holds its breath there for weeks on end. This one has been tolerable. It does not feel like it will never, ever end.
To the right is Forest Cove, painted last year from my travels to Vermont two years ago. A larger view of the painting can be seen here:
Both my books are now ebooks on Kindle and Nook. One of my books is now available in print. I am currently working on getting the second one in print. And I've got other books lined up, in the planning stages. All of that is here:
I keep painting. I keep waiting for the day when I can restart the outward aspects of my painting career. But I keep painting no matter what. That is the most important thing.
posted August 19, 2014
An odd and uneven restoration
It's pouring rain out there, the northern reach in a stretch of tumultuous weather currently scraping its way across the south. I have a few dear friends in those pathways, and everyone there is a dear friend to someone, and this new weather normal is tough... as in; anything can happen. I think about tornados a lot, because I had that stretch of tornado dreams awhile back and now they are reaching again into the present.
And they are making their way back into my work, as well... Below/right is a detail from 'Encompassing Light'. The full painting is here:
My first ebook is finally available on Kindle, and I see another half dozen being produced before the next two years are up. Here are the links: Drawing out the Muses: Find and develop unlimited creative inspiration from the everyday world / My author page at Amazon.
Energy is returning. Catching up is happening. Clarity is coming to the fore.
posted April 30, 2014
Hitting the restart button
Because it may as well be the beginning of the year, this recently past first day of Spring. It's chilly and windy and the rains are coming in any minute now. No matter which direction you may be going in, I just know it will be the sort of wind-driven rain that thows itself directly into one's face. Cold. Wet. Annoying. And ultimately, cleansing.
So far this year I have begun many projects, and picked up others wherever they may have fallen. But what has actually been accomplished feels like one broken arm and – surprise – settling in a new cat! But I persevere, all striped and furry distractions aside.
I finally began painting after fracturing my arm last month. I'm right-handed, but my left hand has plenty of work to do during the process of painting. Squeezing paint tubes is quite the sore workout. The results are seen here in the very beginnings of the new piece. I am getting stronger each day.
posted March 28, 2014
Fall down, go boom
I'm taking a short break from painting... which was not exactly in the plans. I have four paintings in progress along with six freshly gessoed panels waiting for paint of their own... when I managed to break my arm slipping on the ice, which didn't look at all like ice, a few blocks from here. Ouch.
Good thing I got my shiny new health insurance in January. Next best thing to single payer.
The break isn't too bad, just a small fracture, I'm in a wrist splint right now, and can type. I'll even try some drawing and watercolors in a few days. And even though I'm neat about most things in life, I'm not a tidy painter. Not at all. And I use both hands. I'll be painting again by early spring.
Meanwhile, I am finishing up the last bit of the annual update to my painting website. The rest is code, but 34 new paintings from 2013 are now up, and you can see them here. To the right, or below, is 'Blue Clouds', one of the smaller pieces.
posted February 22, 2014
brand new shiny year
Waking up sleeping things
Nothing like the flip of a calendar to start anew. The change of year is a time to assess, re-evaluate, get real. It's been a rough few years, no need to go into details here. If curious, you can see some of what I mean by really looking at the more recent work on my painting site, which will be updated with 2013 paintings later this month.
I will attend to this sorely-neglected blog at least once a month in 2014. I went to a Drupal conference this past fall, and learned that I am better off waiting until Drupal 8 is available. Bright Pink Smile will be my Drupal learning site. It will then evolve into a grown-up blog, with real blog features. This will be later this year or by early 2015.
My previous book on overcoming creative blocks has been revised and updated and is finally on the verge of being published as an ebook. Here is the new cover. The insides are in the final stages of being formatted for ebook.
And finally, I have been posting close-up details of my more recent paintings over at alexandria levin - art studio on Facebook. It's an interesting take on seeing brush strokes and other surface elements.
Happy New Year! Good morning. Now streeeeeetchhhh.
posted January 10, 2014